We set off in Halifax and drive to Alaska. From there we only head south. The great thing about traveling is that it gives you the feeling that you do everything right. You dive in into this world, get involved with it and when you reappear, you realize how it has changed you. We are more than happy to share our experiences and adventures with you and hope you join us on our trip.

Photo-/Videographer, Cook, Person in charge for the blog & Driver
All of this I now can discover and experience. Our journey makes my life a dream. Again and again I am surprised by the beauty and diversity of our earth when I look out of our window in the morning. This is not just a journey, this is a life in freedom.

Driver, Organizer, Person in charge for social medias, Accountant & Kitchen aid
Infected by the travel bug, I however prefer to follow the call out into the wide world and enjoy its nature above and below water, experience different cultures and everything our planet has to offer. It took me a few years to finally set off for the adventure of my life. But now I have stored the suit and tie of my former banker existence and instead I enjoy day by day priceless moments along the Pan-American Highway from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.

Vehicle, Living room, Roof terrace & Home-on-wheels
Infected by the travel bug, I however prefer to follow the call out into the wide world and enjoy its nature above and below water, experience different cultures and everything our planet has to offer. It took me a few years to finally set off for the adventure of my life. But now I have stored the suit and tie of my former banker existence and instead I enjoy day by day priceless moments along the Pan-American Highway from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.
kilometers driven
days on the road
countries visited
[sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/Track 13 KanadaAlaskaUSAMexikoBelizeGuatemalaElSalvadorNicaraguaCostaRicaPanamaKolumbienEcuadorPeruBolivien_komplett_10000Pkte.gpx”]
Grosse Seen, kleine Seen, Pfützen und Tümpel, Flüsse und Bäche. Das ist die Landschaft in die wir eintauchen sobald wir Toronto verlassen und Richtung Westen fahren. Eine Wasserlandschaft die kein Ende nehmen will. Eigentlich wunderschön wäre diese Welt nicht auch das Reich der Mücken.
Nachdem wir unser Mobil in Antwerpen mit gemischten Gefühlen allein am Hafen zurückliessen sind wir überglücklich als wir es drei Wochen später in Halifax unversehrt und ohne grosse Bürokratie wieder entgegen nehmen können.
Wir ziehen um in unser neues Eigenheim. Es ist ein kleines Häuschen am Waldrand, am Strand direkt am Meer, am Ufer eines klaren Sees, in der Wüste, in den Bergen oder sonst wo.